Project acronym: LIVERHOPE

Project full title: "Simvastatin and Rifaximin as new therapy for patients with decompensated cirrhosis"

Press, videos and Interviews

Interview to Elisa Pose


press LIVERHOPE Efficacy Study (December 2021)
pdf [PDF version]


press Expertos advierten de que niños de 8 años con obesidad pueden tener cirrosis a los 30 (02/12/2021)
pdf [PDF version]


press Sobrepès i obesitat, també en infants, augmenten el risc de tenir malalties de fetge (02/12/2021)
pdf [PDF version]


press Obesidad y diabetes aúpan la mortalidad por enfermedad hepática (02/12/2021)
pdf [PDF version]


On March 9th 2021, Prof Ginès was invited onto a national radio programme to discuss Ascites, its causes and treatment. This interview was for the general population and he discussed how liver diseases develop, progress and also the stigma related to cirrhosis and liver diseases.

podcast Podcast Audio: Prof Ginès - min. 11’19’’


Inflammation could play key role in cirrhosis progression


What do people know about liver?


Liver Patients’ Association


Patients experience


Pose E

podcast Podcast Audio: The Lancet Interview to Elisa Pose